Ray Gillen Tribute


On December 3, 1993 : Ray Gillen dies at the age of 32

Real Audio 257 K.

Ray Gillen was without a doubt one of the best known unknowns to come out of the rock and roll world of the late 80's and 90's before his tragic and untimely death in December of 1993 of AIDS-related complications.

Possesed of a powerful and highly melodic voice, Ray performed with some of the greatest names of rock, appearing with bands and artists like Black Sabbath, Badlands, Rondinelli, and George Lynch on a variety of stellar album releases and subsequent tours, before beginning work on his final recordings with the band Sun Red Sun in 1992.Widely hailed as one of the best hard rock singers in the world, Ray's death was a real blow to his industry, though today his memory continues to burn brightly in the hearts and minds of his fans all around the world.


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Ray Gillen Tribute